Cambodia’s Top Court Says Key Election Records Open for Review

Cambodia’s election authorities may be ordered to check key voting data to investigate opposition claims of widespread election irregularities in recent national widespread election irregularities in recent national polls, the country’s highest court ruled Thursday. The Constitutional Council said in a statement that it could call for sealed packages containing original tally sheets collected from polling stations on election day to be opened, in order to allow results returned later in the vote-counting process to be checked against the primary data. The NEC has rejected complaints by the CNRP and said it would not open the security packages without solid evidence of serious irregularities. The Constitutional Council, which is the final arbiter of the contested election results, said that based on the Election Law, it “can order the NEC to open security packages in order to verify votes,” according to the statement. … CNRP President Sam Rainsy called on the NEC ensure that Security Package A, which contains original documents from election day including voided ballots, is kept safe in case it needs to be checked.